

文化 - 2017年6月7日


安吉Landsverk | 沃帕卡县邮政

实习生, Lana Sommer is working this summer in the Human Resources Department at Waupaca铸造 as part of the Waupaca School District's Academic and Career Planning Program.



Finding ways to partner Waupaca High School students with area businesses is not a new idea.



“沃帕卡大学的学生通过工作获得良好的教育. They work to excel in experiences outside the school building. 他们将在高等教育中脱颖而出, 他们将在自己的职业生涯中脱颖而出, 劳动力,珍·厄布说, the school's career and technical education coordinator.

Erb, 她也是WHS的农业老师, said Academic and Career Planning (ACP) is a statewide initiative.

"The letters are new to the school, but we have been doing it already," 她说. “这种情况已经持续了很多年. 现在它有了一个名字."

ACP is about giving students real-world experiences and placing more of an emphasis on it, Erb said.

At WHS, students have been taking the Certified Nursing Assistant course for years.

Students also have the opportunity to work in the school store and greenhouse, as well as to restore classic cars and do residential building, 她说.

In addition, the school partners with Waupaca铸造 and Blenker Companies INC. 为学生创造见习机会.

Students in youth apprenticeships get paid and also receive high school credit.

"We hope to have more success and partnership with community partners," Erd said.

安迪·施罗德(Andy Schroeder)刚刚在WHS念完大三.

He was doing an apprenticeship at a dairy farm when he discovered, 在职业兴趣调查中, 他在建筑方面得分最高.

“我从来不知道建筑业也是一种选择. I've been farming, working on one, since probably second grade," 他说.

所有 WHS students have a conference with their guidance counselor during their junior year,

Erb said they talk about what they want to do in their future and how they can get that done.

施罗德在建筑领域得分很高, an apprenticeship was lined up for him at Blenker Companies in Amherst.

在工作中, 我建造了房子所有的桁架和地板,他说, referring to the home WHS students began building this past school year.

During the school year, Schroeder worked at Blenker from 6-9 a.m.


放学后, 施罗德有田径训练, followed by working at his other job at Schmoldt Dairy by Weyauwega.

This summer, he is working 40 hours a week at Blenker.

他说:“我的工作得到了肯定。. "I get to learn hands-on skills, how to listen to a boss."

Erb said students must maintain their grades in order to stay in the program.

Gordy Barth,员工发展部经理 & Training at Waupaca铸造, said school comes first.

“我们与学校保持密切联系. 我们确保他们保持成绩,”他说.

The foundry has worked with the district for a number of years and works with other area school districts as well, 他说.

Students have to go through the regular application and interview process, Barth said.

在铸造厂有各种各样的机会, 包括仓库, 模式的船, 健康及安全署, 生产区及办公室.

When positions are not available, students may apply again the following year, Barth said.

If a position opens up during the school year, students may be contacted, 他说.

"A lot of students who go through the program end up coming back - some in different area,巴斯说。.

He said the students are "getting experience and truly finding out what it's like to work."


Barth said they develop a work ethic and realize whether they like the work they are doing or have an interest in it.

Lana Sommer also just completed her junior year at WHS.

During her conference with her guidance counselor, she expressed an interest in accounting.

Sommer did an online application to work at Waupaca铸造, had an interview and began working in the accounting department.

She soon realized accounting wasn't for her, but perhaps human resources was.

They switched her to that department, and she likes working in that area.


During this past school year, she went to school from 8 a.m. 至下午1:30.m. 然后在铸造厂工作到下午4:30.m. 或者5p.m.

Sommer is working at the foundry 25 hours per week this summer.

When school starts again in the fall, she will work there sixth through eighth hours.

Ryan Hemmila is one of the four WHS students who will start working at Skyward in Stevens Point on Monday June 12.

The company decided to hire a team of students to write a piece of software.

Hemmila, who will be a senior at WHS in the fall, is interested in information technology. 他想成为一个软件工程师.


Erb said these students are breaking ground for others to be employed in these workplaces.

除了, the school district recently sent surveys to about 400 local businesses, asking if students may job shadow employees or if the business is willing to have someone speak to students or have them visit.

Erb said the goal during the 2017-18 school year is to have every student somehow touched by career day.

A grant is also being sought to create a Waupaca作品 Career Cafe within the high school.

It would be a space where students could have interviews for youth apprenticeships and work on career exploration.

The students already participating in youth apprenticeships are glad they are doing so.

"I will definitely remember from my high school career my youth apprenticeship work experience,施罗德说. "I will definitely have a step ahead of everyone else."




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